Pembakaran sampah terbuka dapat terjadi secara sengaja atau spontan
• Pembakaran sampah secara sengaja sering kali merupakan satu satunya metode pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga atau di tingkat komunitas yang tersedia di negara negara yang pengaturannya buruk atau Negara negara berkembang dan dampak kesehatan masyarakat yang masih belum di pahami dengan baik
• Pembakaran yang di sengaja dapat juga menjadi sebuah praktek yang disengaja di tempat pembuangan akhir (TPA) atau tempat pembuangan ilegal, untuk menciptakan ruang (tempat sampah)
• Pembakaran spontan juga terjadi di tempat pembuangan akhir (TPA) yang menyebabkan emisi gas metan
• Pembakaran sampah juga terjadi dengan sengaja disepanjang rantai daur ulang informal, misalnya untuk membuang bahan bahan campuran yang bernilai rendah atau bahan bahan yang tidak dapat di daur ulang atau selama daur ulang informal dari limbah elektronik
• Polutan polutan berbahaya dari pembakaran di udara terbuka meliputi : partikel partikel halus; partikel karbon hitam (jelaga); polychlorinated dibenzo dioxins (PCDDs) dan polychlorinated dibenzo furans (PCDFs); dan polyaromatic hydrocarbons, termasuk karsinogenik yang dikenal sebagai benzo(a)pyrene.
• Anak anak kecil dan orang yang lebih tua, khususnya yang memiliki kondisi pada pernafasan (seperti asma, penyakit paru paru yang obstruktif kronis, dll) adalah yang paling rentan terhadap efek negatif kesehatan secara langsung dari pembakaran di udara terbuka. Paparan terhadap poly-aromatic hydrocarbons, dioxins dan furans adalah terkait dengan masalah kanker, hati, sistem imun, sistem endokrin, sistem reproduksi, dan sistem perkembangan anak
Bergabung bersama gerakan global platform limbah intrenasional untuk meningkatkan kesadaran, pendidikan, advokat untuk peraturan lingkungan untuk melarang pembakaran secara terbuka sebagai praktek pengelolaan limbah
Kami mengundang anda dan organisasi anda, bisnis atau pemerintah untuk bergabung bersama kampanye kami dengan membagikan poster kami (karya seni oleh Yayasan Gallifrey). Anda dapat mendownload nya gratis dalam bahasa nasional negara anda untuk digunakan dalam jaringan anda dan kampanye di komunitas anda. Apabila bahasa nasional negara anda belum tersedia kami dapat menerjemahkan sebuah poster untuk anda
Sumber Bahasa Inonesia :
Hati-hati, Membakar Sampah Bisa Membahayakan Kesehatan
Sumber Bahasa Inggis :
Mismanagement of Plastic Waste through Open Burning with Emphasis on the Global South: A Systematic Review of Risks to Occupational and Public Health by Costas A. Velis, Ed Cook Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 11, 7186–7207 Publication Date: May 18, 2021
Health and Environmental Effects of Open Burning of Refuse and Other Solid Wastes by Government of Saskatchewan
Open Burning during the COVID-19 Pandemic by US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Environmental Effects | Backyard Burning | Wastes by US EPA
Burning of fallen leaves poses health hazards The Times of India
Paper Burning and Associated Pollution Problems in Higher Educational
Institutions of Ethiopia; The Need and Potential for Recycling by Mekonnen Amberber and Yitayal Addis, Department of Environmental Science, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Kotebe Metropolitan University, Ethiopia
Open trash burning can be intentional or spontaneous.
• Intentional trash burning is often the only household or community level waste management method available in poorly regulated or developing countries and the human health impacts are still not well understood.
• Intentional burning can also be an intentional practice at landfills or illegal dump sites, to create space.
• Spontaneous burning also happens at landfills due to emissions of methane gas.
• Waste burning also happens intentionally along the informal recycling chain, for instance to get rid of the mixed low-value or non-recyclable materials or during the informal recycling of e-waste.
• Harmful pollutants from open-air burning include: fine particulates; black carbon (soot) particles; polychlorinated dibenzo dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzo furans (PCDFs); and polyaromatic hydrocarbons, including known carcinogens such as benzo(a)pyrene.
• Young children and older adults, especially those with existing respiratory conditions (e.g., asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease etc.) are most susceptible to the immediate negative health effects from open-air burning. Exposure to poly-aromatic hydrocarbons, dioxins and furans are linked to problems with cancer, the liver, the immune system, endocrine system, the reproductive system, and the developing systems of the young.
Join International Waste Platform’s global movement to raise awareness, educate and advocate for environmental regulations to prohibit open burning as a waste management practice
We invite you or your organisation, business or government to join our campaign by sharing our poster (artwork by Gallifrey Foundation). You can download it free of charge in your country’s language for use in your networks and your community campaign. If your country’s national language is not yet included we can translate a poster for you.
Mismanagement of Plastic Waste through Open Burning with Emphasis on the Global South: A Systematic Review of Risks to Occupational and Public Health by Costas A. Velis, Ed Cook Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 11, 7186–7207 Publication Date: May 18, 2021
Health and Environmental Effects of Open Burning of Refuse and Other Solid Wastes by Government of Saskatchewan
Open Burning during the COVID-19 Pandemic by US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Environmental Effects | Backyard Burning | Wastes by US EPA
Burning of fallen leaves poses health hazards The Times of India
Paper Burning and Associated Pollution Problems in Higher Educational
Institutions of Ethiopia; The Need and Potential for Recycling by Mekonnen Amberber and Yitayal Addis, Department of Environmental Science, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Kotebe Metropolitan University, Ethiopia